Tuesday, September 30, 2008


ღღThe one i interviewed was the Head of the Administrative Division of the Davao City Human Resource Management Office. He answered some of the questions i asked but because he was so busy he gave me a brochure that answered somehow my queries.ღღ

ღღWhen you say human resource, it pin points the most potent and most resourceful and cannot be depleted resource of them all. When you say Human Resource Management, it is is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. ღღ

ღღ The role of the human resource management is it is an office that handles the human resource training and development. Also, it handles the recruitment, selection, planning, promotions, compensation and benefits, industrial and employee relations and the safety and health of the human resource/employees. ღღ

ღღThe scope of human resource management is not only the employees within their office or workplace but also for the constituents of the city because he works for the government and we all know that the government gives services to the people.ღღ

ღღI agree with him. Human Resource should be treated like diamonds because they are the key to success of an organization. They should be developed and compensated well because they are so resourceful that they can do many tasks.ღღ

ღღHis concepts bout Human Resource Management coincides with his organizations' because some of his answers came from their brochure. Heheh..ღღ

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


well..before minding whatevers first..i have to mind my recitation in datacom this morning..our hrm major paper..my java..haaiz!


have you ever heard Cristina Milan's Until I Got Over You song?..well..i think it fits me right..until mow i haven't moved on..well..partly..i have moved on a little bit..but i'm still waiting..geez..its really hard..hmmf..

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Sta. Ana..waiting for others to arrive from buying some stuffs at nearby stores..

At Babak..waiting for Kuya Rush to arrive..he forgot the bangus he left to be deboned in the market..

we are now crossing the gap between davao and samal..bwahah..at the bus in the barge..

Sta. Ana..while waiting for the bus to leave..

At the bus again..picture taking while doing nothing..hahah..


i uploaded our samal get.away pics already..wooh!..heheh..this is a very late post bout it..but its ok..hahah..thats what the call take-take ..hahah..we celebrated the kadayawan festival at island garden city of samal..in rmpc, camudmud to be exact..wooh..its a way of relieving our stress from school works and etc..hahah..we really had a great time there..the scenery was so nice..its cool there..try to go there this sem break..ü

Monday, September 1, 2008

♥♥..MUST GO HOME NOW..heheh..♥♥

well..its 1 am but im still here in playnet..surfin' the net and doing whatevers..we will visit our adopted company in just a few hours..heheh..well..our adopted company is just a wlaking distance from our home..hmm..Sir Gamboa, i think, is angry at us coz until now we didnt submit our Gantt Chart..its not we dont care bout it..we had a really hard time figuring out how to make it..and how to make our research paper and what will its contents be..hopefully we could pass on time..i know we can make it!..AJA to us!..