ღღღWhen you say human resource, it pin points the most potent and most resourceful and cannot be depleted resource of them all. When you say Human Resource Management, it is is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. ღღღ
ღღღ The role of the human resource management is it is an office that handles the human resource training and development. Also, it handles the recruitment, selection, planning, promotions, compensation and benefits, industrial and employee relations and the safety and health of the human resource/employees. ღღღ
ღღღThe scope of human resource management is not only the employees within their office or workplace but also for the constituents of the city because he works for the government and we all know that the government gives services to the people.ღღღ
ღღღI agree with him. Human Resource should be treated like diamonds because they are the key to success of an organization. They should be developed and compensated well because they are so resourceful that they can do many tasks.ღღღ
ღღღHis concepts bout Human Resource Management coincides with his organizations' because some of his answers came from their brochure. Heheh..ღღღ